Winter Festival 2025 To Not Proceed
Published on 20 March 2025
At the 19 March Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved to cancel the Bathurst Winter Festival for 2025 due to its current financial position.
Last night’s meeting included tenders for the winter festival ice rink and illumination which Council resolved not to proceed with.
Bathurst Mayor, Cr Robert Taylor, remarked that this was an incredibly challenging decision yet was the responsible course of action at this time.
“To cancel the 2025 Winter Festival is not a decision Council took lightly. It is deeply unfortunate to not be able to appropriately proceed with this highly successful and multi-award-winning event, especially on its 10th anniversary, yet it is the fiscally responsible approach to take.
“Alternative events are being explored for this year that align with our budget. We will look to develop strategies with local businesses and community groups to put forth to Council for consideration.
“Please note that this cancellation is only in place for 2025. No decision has been made for the festival in coming years,” he said.
Whilst winter visitation to the Bathurst Region will be impacted by the festival’s cancellation, Council has ensured support for other local events and is actively looking to new leisure, business and sporting events to increase visitation to the area throughout these slower months of the year.
At yesterday evening’s meeting, a motion was put forth to Council to provide financial assistance to the Bathurst Hockey Association. This decision was carried and will enable the 2025 Hockey NSW Women’s Masters Tournament to take place in Bathurst this July, with teams and spectators travelling from across the state to take part.
Additionally, Bathurst is pleased to be the new home for the annual Beatlesfest event which will see Keppel St come to life this August with tribute bands, exhibitions and market stalls.
Mayor Taylor commented that events such as these will expand what Bathurst is recognised for, attracting new return visitors to the region.
“Council is proud to support events such as the Hockey NSW Women’s Masters Tournament and I am looking forward to the vibrancy Beatlesfest will bring to town. It is these sorts of events that will draw new visitors to the Bathurst Region, serving as a testament to what Regional NSW can achieve,” he noted.